Breed History
A short description of the Smooth Fox Terrier
By: Karen Sue Herr
The smooth fox terrier is an English
breed that was used to flush out vermin. One of the earliest smooth to be recorded was Thornton’s Pitch. They have a
square structure that that should not exceed 15 ½ inches at the withers and the bitches should be proportionately lower. They
should carry themselves like strong hunters. The back should be short with 12 inches from withers to base of the tail.
This hardy dog should be well proportionate with lean muscular structure, and an instigating attitude that will make this
wonderful breed stunning to look at. Males should weigh about 18 pounds in show condition and females should be about two
pounds lighter. The smooth fox terrier is a close cousin to the Wire fox terrier. At one point on history they were considered
to be one breed, but on June 1, 1985 they were split into two different breeds with two different standards. All through history
the smooth fox terrier was more popular then the wire fox terrier. The smooth fox terrier was believed to be a sensible cross
between a beagle and a bull terrier. The fox terrier would go on foxhunts with gentlemen. But would not run with the pack
of hounds. They were carried in the pockets of the gentlemen who rode horse. When the fox went into its hole the hounds would
back up and the gentlemen would throw the terrier to the ground. The fox terrier would go into the hole after the fox and
flush it out. The terrier has a short, strong tail that the gentlemen would grab and pull the terrier out of the hole. At
a young age the tails are docked. This provides the tail to be short and strong so when pulled out of hole it does not break.
Their head should have flat plains and should not have much “stop.” The ears should be a V shape, that is small,
moderate thickness, and should be drop forward close to cheeks. The tip of the ears should fall right at the corner of the
eye. The jaws should be strong and muscular. The head should be moderately chiseled out so it does not look like a wedge.
The eyes should be dark colored, reasonably small and rather deep-set, full of fire, life, and intelligence and in a round
shape. The teeth should be a scissors bite, which means “the points of the upper (incisors) teeth on the outside of
or slightly overlapping the lower teeth” as stated in the American Kennel Clubs standard for the Smooth Fox Terrier.
“The neck, topline, body – neck should be clean and muscular, without throatiness, of fair length, and gradually
widening to the shoulders. The Chest is deep and not broad. Brisket should be deep, yet not exaggerated. The foreribs should
be moderately arched, the back ribs deep and well sprung, and the dog should be ribbed up. Loin should be very powerful, muscular
and very slightly arched. Stern should be on rather high, and carried gaily, but not over the back or curled. It should be
of good strength, anything approaching a “pipestoper” tail being especially objectionable. Shoulders long and
sloping well laid back, fine at the points and clearly cut at the withers. Feet should be round and compact. Coat smooth,
flat, but hard, dense and abundant. White should be predominating: brindle, red or liver is objectionable.” This was
stated by the AKC standard. This was a short description from my knowledge, Harold
Nedell, and the American Kennel Club Complete Dog book the19th addition. There is more to the history and standard so it could be beneficial if you want
to look up everything. If you would like more information on the smooth fox terrier please feel free to contact me.